Saturday, 30 October 2010

The Head: Cardboard Catwalk: THE SHOW

'The Head': Cardboard Catwalk Video.

A collective project to create two cardboard wearables. The remit was to base the figures on two artists - one pre-1950s and one post 1950s. Our group based their two figures on Odilon Redon's painting 'Spirit of the Forest' and Laurie Anderson's performance art. The concept involved two contrasting figures and exploring the relationship between the two.

We created a video backdrop and used a secondary projector to project onto the figures on stage. We also edited a music track for the show.

The figures were then presented in a big Cardboard Catwalk show to the rest of the students and invited tutors from the Art Faculty on Thursday 28th October 2010.

Collective Project Group:
Marie Harris
Lea Moore
Izzy Darbishire
Donna Wood
Katie Whitfield
Roger Bygott

The Head: Cardboard Catwalk Project: PROCESS

A collective project to create two cardboard wearables. The remit was to base the figures on two artists - one pre-1950s and one post 1950s. Our group based their two figures on Odilon Redon's painting 'Spirit of the Forest' and Laurie Anderson's performance art. The concept involved two contrasting figures and exploring the relationship between the two.

We created a video backdrop and used a secondary projector to project onto the figures on stage. We also edited a music track for the show.

The figures were then presented in a big Cardbard Catwalk show to the rest of the students and invited tutors from the Art Faculty on Thursday 28th October 2010.


The Head starts with a central cardboard tube.

Building the supporting structure:

Then applying papier-mache cardboard to create the external surface:

The Laurie Anderson figure with cardboard words and cardboard violin bow. The bow also has fluorescent glo-sticks along the bow-hair edge.

Playing with projecting a movie onto the Head.

Rehearsing and choreographing in the Holden Gallery:

The Head almost completed:

Collective Project Group:
Marie Harris
Lea Moore
Izzy Darbishire
Donna Wood
Katie Whitfield
Roger Bygott

Odilon Redon: 'The Spirit of the Forest' 1880

Friday, 22 October 2010


STATIONS: A Video project using text, poetry and music.


A short video communicating the places I have lived in my life.

Autobiography, passing of time, poetic record.

Film: drawing the key words from the poem in ink on a roll of absorbent paper. Slowly unrolling the paper to draw each new key word. Use Pentel re-fillable ink brushes.

Audio: The poem 'Stations: The Places I Have Lived' is pre-recorded. Listen to poem on iPod headphones whilst drawing.

Location: Woodend Mill corridor. It has long corrugated metal sheeting down the corridors. The sense of time receding. Relocated to studio and outside view of roofs.

Music: My improvised composition 'A Still in the Wind' 4mins 23sec.


Compose music. Edit in Garageband. Create MP3 & AIFF

Rewrite old poem 'Stations: The Places I Have Lived'

Record poem on M-Audio digital recorder. Edit in Garageband.

Set up and film ink drawing at Woodend Mill, Mossley.

Edit film in Final Cut express.

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Foot by Foot

Left foot drawing around right foot.
Charcoal between toes.
Charcoal on paper.

Ink Footprints

Indian Ink.
Foot bound with scrim and twine.
Stepping in first ink puddle then making two more footprints.

Monday, 11 October 2010

Non-Traditional Drawing Tools

A set of non-traditional drawing tools:

Wire Wool,
Paper Tag,
Mushroom Skin,
Coated Wire,
Plastic bottle top sealer,
Plastic clip,
Wire spiral,
Straight Wire,
Corrugated cardboard.

Drawing of mushroom tool with other tools.

Marks made by cardboard tool.

Marks made by broccoli tool.

Twig drawn by other tools.

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Burning Fork

An experiment in alternative drawing.
Methylated spirits painted around a garden fork then set alight.
Movie length: 1min 53sec

And the remaining burnt outline:

Thursday, 7 October 2010


This is a project I did in the summer. Thinking about free line drawing and clouds. Then juxtaposing the line drawings over photos of clouds and adding music for reflective mood.
This is something to work on and develop as it was all done a bit quickly. But I'm blogging it here as we are in the drawing and alternative drawing phase of the course.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

3D Design: Cardboard & Wire: Hole Punch

Drawing 3D object: Hole punch.
Analysis of object.
Abstraction of elements to 3D design in cardboard, wire, paper tags and wood.

Sunday, 3 October 2010


Look at something 30 times.

Be exhaustive: 175 uses for duct tape; 'Tape:An Excursion Through the World of Adhesive Tape' by Kerstin Finger.

How many ways can you use a material?

Adapt found or discarded things.

Use human volunteers: Spencer Tunnick

Make the minuscule monumental.

Make the monumental minuscule.

Make the familiar unfamiliar

Make the unfamiliar familiar.

Make the large small.

Make the small large.

Make the old new.

Make the new old.


Paint it - photograph the painting - paint on the photograph. Repeat ad infinitum.

Make the clear unclear.

Make the unclear clear.

Think hybrid.

'The Art of Looking Sideways'. Alan fletcher.

Do 'on the hoof drawings' - enhance using photoshop.

Turn crap into beauty.

Turn beauty into crap.

Sculpt with photographs.

Get excited and make things.

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Body Art Day with Sally Barker

Sat 25th Sept.
A collective project and workshop with Sally Barker.
Making marks around the body.
Working in pairs.
Lots of graphite and getting covered in it!
Turning the paper into a 3D space / tent / cave